#Select item from listview android studio code
getApplicationContext() is used in a Activity and getActivity() is used in a Fragment.īelow is the example code in which we set the current class reference in a adapter. We can also use getApplicationContext(), getActivity() in the place of this keyword. Here this is a keyword used to show the current class reference. The first parameter is used to pass the context means the reference of current class. Below is the description of all the parameters used for the implementation of a SimpleAdapter to show a list of elements in a list view or in a grid view. In above code snippet we show the implementation of a SimpleAdapter.
#Select item from listview android studio android
So if we need more customization in a ListView or a GridView we need to implement simple adapter.īelow is android SimpleAdapter code: SimpleAdapter(Context context, List> data, int resource, String from, int to) As we discuss earlier ArrayAdapter is used when we have a list of single item’s backed by an Array. Whenever we have to create a custom list we need to implement custom adapter. This whole thing will make sense when you do one example in Android Studio as discussed at the end of this article. You also specify an XML file(custom list items file) that defines the views used to display the row, and a mapping from keys in the Map to specific views.

Each entry in a ArrayList is corresponding to one row of a list. In android you can specify the data backing to a list as an ArrayList of Maps(hashmap or other). In Android, SimpleAdapter is an easy adapter to map static data to views defined in an XML file (layout). SimpleAdpater is used for customization of list or grid items.

In android, An adapter is a bridge between UI component and data source that helps us to fill data in UI component.